레이블이 korean인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 korean인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2011년 5월 30일 월요일

Periodic Table of hangul (korean letter)

this is good way to knw da principle of writing n pronouncing korean letter

there r some uncommon n difficult combinations of letters though,,like  ㄽㄿ ;;;

if u r not aware of korean language,

guess u might like this word

옷 [ot]  <- ㅇ + ㅗ +ㅅ
da letter seems like a person.
it means Clothe ;D

pleased to have you here -

Above all, this blog is for anyone who wanna learn diffent culture from da native ppl through internet easily.

let's share our own culture n help each other!

I'm also willing to teach u korean culture including korean language.

I hope we gonna have lots of ppl from different countries so that we r going to b cosmopolitan by understanding each other n getting rid of any racism and prejudice.